Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
- 2. Maintenance
   2.1. Additional maintenance
   2.2. Technical characteristics
   2.3. An arrangement of units in a motor compartment
   2.4. Maintenance terms
   + 2.5. Check of level of liquids
   2.6. Check of a condition of tires and pressure in tires
   2.7. Liquid level in automatic transmission
   2.8. Liquid level in system of a hydraulic actuator of steering
   2.9. Replacement of oil in the engine and an oil filter
   2.10. Check of a state and care of the battery
   2.11. Check of the cooling system
   2.12. Check and replacement of hoses in a motor compartment
   2.13. Check and replacement of brushes of screenwash
   2.14. Shift of wheels
   2.15. Check of a suspension bracket and steering
   2.16. Check of the exhaust system
   2.17. Check of level of oil in the manual transmission
   2.18. Check of level of oil in the transfer case
   2.19. Check of level of oil in reducers of bridges
   2.20. Check of a condition of seat belts
   2.21. Thermostat of the air filter (carburetor engines)
   2.22. Check and lubricant of the exhaust valve
   2.23. System of catching of vapors of gasoline
   2.24. Check of system of recirculation
   2.25. Air gate of the carburetor
   2.26. Zolotnik of system of ventilation of a case
   2.27. Check and replacement of the air filter
   2.28. Replacement of spark plugs
   2.29. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves
   2.30. Idling turns (carburetor engines)
   2.31. Drive belts
   2.32. Check of fuel system
   + 2.33. Check of brakes
   2.34. Check and adjustment of pedals of coupling (brake)
   2.35. Replacement of the fuel filter
   2.36. High-voltage wires, runner and covers of the distributor
   2.37. Check and installation of the moment of ignition
   2.38. Care of the cooling system
   2.39. Naves and bearings of forward wheels
   2.40. Replacement of liquid in automatic transmission and the filter
   2.41. Replacement of oil in the manual transmission
   2.42. Replacement of oil in the transfer case
   2.43. Replacement of oil in a back (forward) reducer
   2.44. Gaps in valves on the engine 1FZ-FE
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and steering
+ 10. Body
+ 11. Electric equipment
+ 12. Electrical circuitries

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2.15. Check of a suspension bracket and steering


See rice. Details of a forward suspension bracket of the FJ60, 62 cars, rice. Forward suspension bracket of the FJ80 cars.


1. Establish wheels in the provision of driving on a straight line, block wheels. Turn a steering wheel to the right and to the left. If the considerable side play is felt, then wear of bearings of naves (see subsection 2.39), a shaft of a steering column, an intermediate shaft, spherical support of levers of a suspension bracket or spherical hinges of the steering mechanism, or the wrong adjustment or wear of the steering mechanism is the reason.
2. Point the strengthened swing of a body at movement along the bumpy road to abnormal work and wear of details of steering and a suspension bracket, a drift at turn, jamming of a steering wheel.
3. Check operation of shock-absorbers for what several times sharply press each corner of the car and release. If after one-two pressing the body of the car does not come back to a starting position, then it indicates failure of racks of a suspension bracket and need of their replacement. During the pressing and an otpuskaniye of the car listen to sounds which are made by suspension bracket details.
Check from below car
4. Lift the car and establish on supports.
5. Check the drawing of a protector and pressure in tires.
6. Check a condition of the cardan hinge between a steering column and a case of the steering mechanism.
7. Check existence on a case of the steering mechanism of dribbles of oil or infiltration through laying. Be convinced of integrity of consolidations and protective covers, of reliability of fastening of collars of protective covers.
8. Check reliability of fastening of details of steering, absence for them mechanical damages. Check existence of a side play of spherical hinges of a steering rack.
9. Check an inhaling of all threaded connections, existence of the broken or disconnected details, a condition of sealants (are specified by an arrow a photo at the left) and rubber plugs of a suspension bracket (a photo on the right).
10. Ask the assistant to rotate a wheel, watch at turn of a wheel a side play in steering details, a bend of details, freedom of their movement (side plays). At detection of considerable side plays find the weakened connection in connections of steering.
11. Check bearings of wheels, rotating a wheel and shaking having taken by the top and lower edges. The noticeable side play indicates dismantling of a nave and replacement of lubricant the need.
12. Check a condition of bearings of rotary knot for what shake knot mount up-down. If the side play is found, then it is necessary to check a condition of bearings of knot and to replace lubricant.
13. Check a condition of cardan hinges, existence of a side play of the sliding bifurcate coupling in shaft vents.
14. Check existence of dribbles in the boat of the transfer case and transmission.

Lubricant of a running gear

1. Lubricant is carried out by the syringe through butterdishes (on a part of cars of an opening under butterdishes are closed by caps, butterdishes are rolled at lubricant).
2. Begin lubricant with rotary knot (the place of lubricant is specified by an arrow). Continue lubricant until it does not seem from the greased knot.
3. Further grease a fork of the sliding shlitsevy coupling (the place of lubricant is specified by an arrow).
4. Grease the cardan hinge (the place of lubricant is specified by an arrow).
5. Grease the limiter of turn of a wheel (the place of lubricant is specified by an arrow).
6. Grease litoly latches and a rack of a cowl.
7. Oil for the engine of a loop and locks of a cowl and doors.
8. Grease with aerosol graphite or silicone lubricant drums of switches of locks and a sealant of doorways.