1. Measurement of depression is reliable and rather cheap way of diagnostics of the engine. According to indications of the vacuum gage it is possible to gain an impression about a condition of piston group, tightness of laying of a head of the block of the cylinders which are soaking up and final collectors, correctness of adjustment of the engine, etc. |
2. The vacuum gage joins zadrosselny space to measure pressure directly on the soaking-up collector. It is not necessary to connect the vacuum gage to hoses of auxiliary units. |
3. It is expedient to unite vacuum diagnostics with other methods of diagnostics. |
4. Initial factors on which indications of the vacuum gage are analyzed and draw the most exact conclusions about a condition of the engine, absolute instrument reading and the nature of the movement of an arrow of the device (dynamics of indications) are. |
5. Before tests completely warm up the engine, block wheels. |
6. Check the indication of the vacuum gage. On the serviceable engine idling the vacuum gage has to show depression of 430-560 mm Hg, and the arrow of the device has to be not mobile almost. |
7. If indications of the vacuum gage are 75-200 mm Hg lower than normal and are unstable (the arrow twitches), then it indicates a leak in laying on an entrance of the soaking-up collector, or on violation of tightness of a nozzle. |
8. If the arrow regularly deviates on 50–100 mm Hg, then leakage of valves is the reason. Check a compression in engine cylinders. |
9. If the arrow irregularly deviates towards low indications, or shaking shows low depression, then the increased resistance to the movement of valves, or interruptions of ignition is the reason. Check a compression in cylinders and examine candles. |
10. If idling the arrow quickly fluctuates within 100 mm Hg, and operation of the engine is followed by smoke from the muffler, then the directing plugs of valves are worn-out. If the arrow quickly fluctuates with simultaneous increase in turns of the engine, then it is necessary to check tightness of laying of the soaking-up collector, elasticity of springs of valves. Such indications can be also caused by a burn-out of valves and interruptions of ignition. |
11. Weak fluctuations of an arrow within 20–30 mm Hg indicate unstable work of ignition. |
12. At big fluctuations of an arrow check a compression in cylinders. |
13. Slow change of depression in wide range indicates a contamination of system of ventilation of the boat, abnormal composition of mix, and also leak in laying of a collector. |
14. Bring engine turns to 2500 rpm and release a pedal. Indications of the vacuum gage have to reduce almost to zero, then increase and exceed the control indications corresponding to stationary idling, approximately on 125 mm Hg then depression has to be restored at the previous level. The different behavior of depression indicates wear of piston rings. If these indications change too slowly, then check purity of channels of the exhaust system (especially converter). |