1. Check reliability of all connections with weight. Check conducting and sockets of system. Weakening of electric connections and bad contact with weight can be the cause of many malfunctions which are often perceived as failures of the engine. |
2. Check degree of state of charge of the battery. Normal operation of sensors and actuation mechanisms of a dosage of fuel depends on supply voltage. |
3. Check a condition of the air filter, – pollution of the filtering element can be the cause of essential deterioration in operational indicators including profitability. |
4. If the fused safety lock is found, then replace it and check work of the corresponding chain. If the safety lock fuses again, then find and eliminate malfunction. |
5. Check tightness of the channel of an air duct from the filter to an inlet collector. Existence of a suction of air in an air duct leads to excessive impoverishment of mix. Check also a condition of the vacuum hoses connected to an inlet collector. |
6. Remove an air duct from the camera of a butterfly valve and check existence of deposits of a deposit and resinous deposits. At pollution wash out the case an aerosol cleaner of the carburetor and clean a toothbrush (at first be convinced that the cleaner is harmless to sensors of oxygen and converter). |
7. On the working engine apply a stethoscope to each of nozzles and listen to the characteristic clicks indicating normal work of nozzles. If the stethoscope is absent, then use the long screw-driver. Apply the termination of the screw-driver to a nozzle, and bring closer an ear to the handle. |
8. If listening yields doubtful results, then check nozzles by means of the light indicator, having included it in the nozzle socket. Start the engine and be convinced that on each socket of a nozzle light flashes. |
9. On the idle engine disconnect sockets from nozzles and check resistance of each nozzle. Resistance of each nozzle has to be within 13,4–14,2 Ohms. If resistance differs, then replace a nozzle. |
10. Other checks should be carried out in car service as malfunction of the control unit can be the cause of abnormal work of system. |