Toyota Land CruiserFJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Toyota Land Cruiser - 1. Maintenance instruction 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Control panel - 1.3. Governing bodies and instrumentations 1.3.1. Keys 1.3.2. System of an immobilizer (recognition of a code of launch of the engine) 1.3.3. Doors 1.3.4. Electric equipment of doors 1.3.5. Headlights and indexes of turn 1.3.6. Cleaners and washers of glasses 1.3.7. Cowl latch 1.3.8. Index of level of fuel 1.3.9. Index of temperature of cooling liquid 1.3.10. Voltmeter 1.3.11. Tachometer 1.3.12. The counter of the total passable way 1.3.13. Indexes and the warning signals 1.3.14. Blocking of differential 1.4. Identification numbers of the car 1.5. Purchase of the old car or mysterious set of figures and letters 1.6. The changed numbers 1.7. Arrangement of elements + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines + 4. Cooling systems, heating + 5. Fuel and exhaust systems + 6. System of decrease in toxicity + 7. Transmission + 8. Brake system + 9. Suspension brackets and steering + 10. Body + 11. Electric equipment + 12. Electrical circuitries |
1.3.6. Cleaners and washers of glasses
Inclusion of a cleaner and washer of a windshield (type A)
For inclusion of a cleaner transfer the lever to the necessary situation. For inclusion of a washer press the button at a lever end face. The ignition key has to be in situation On. For inclusion of single work of a cleaner (at the movement in fog) transfer the lever to position of MIST and release. If windscreen washer does not join, then check availability of water in a tank. Before inclusion of a washer include glass heating in cold weather. At the same time frosting because of which the review worsens is prevented. Do not include a cleaner on dry glass as brushes can scratch it. Inclusion of a cleaner and washer of a windshield (type B)
The ignition key has to be in situation On. For inclusion of faltering work of a cleaner transfer the lever to position of INT. Inclusion of a cleaner and washer of a windshield (type C)
For inclusion of a cleaner transfer the lever to the necessary situation. For inclusion of a washer press the button at a lever end face. The ignition key has to be in situation On. For inclusion of faltering work of a cleaner transfer the lever to position of INT. For inclusion of single work of a cleaner at the movement in fog pull the lever on yourself and release. Besides, after inclusion of a washer two times will automatically work brushes even if the lever will be in situation Off. Inclusion of a cleaner and washer of back glass
For inclusion of a cleaner and a washer turn the handle at a lever end face in the necessary situation. The ignition key has to be in situation On. When finding the lever in position of INT the screen wiper will work in the faltering mode. Windscreen washer joins at two extreme provisions of the handle. At an otpuskaniye the handle automatically comes back from these provisions. |